Official Country Name:The Republic of Colombia
Region:Latin America
Government:Unitary Republic
Official Languages:Spanish
Religious Demographics:Christian ±94%, Evangelical ±7%, Ethnoreligious ±2%, Non-religious ±2%
Number of Evangelicals
Cultural Bridges
Strategic Access
Religious Freedoms
Current Sending
Mobilization Potential
Colombia is Ripe to Take the Gospel Abroad
Colombia, like much of South America, is a predominantly Catholic nation; however, at 3.5 million, the Evangelical church has seen incredible church growth in the last 70 years, more than tripling in size! Today, Columbia is home to 51,265,841 people and is one of the more religiously free nations on the Mobilization Index.
The Lord has blessed the Colombian evangelical church with remarkable cultural similarities to the unreached Muslim world. Despite their geographic and linguistic distance from the unreached, they are well-positioned to cross that barrier and send cross-culturally. The church in Columbia is legally free to promote missions and send its members overseas without social or political restraints as a nation providing the opportunity to be involved in the next great wave of mission sending to the unreached.
Colombia scores moderately to high in most of the Mobilization Index sub-indices. The evangelical church in Colombia is legally free, culturally connected to the unreached, and growing three times higher than the annual average. We rank Colombia's mobilization potential as High.